sixtydoses. where od is harmless.

June 26, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

Filed under: Life — Tags: , — od @ 11:15 pm

I woke up early this morning and had my occasional celebrities surfing routine when I saw a headline ‘Michael Jackson is dead’. I am a big fan of Jacko, but I was not even slightly intrigued by the headline. I didn’t even bother to click the link at all. Thought it was just another bullshit rumor and I could care less about it. It was not long after that when my sister text me a message on my cell – ‘Michael Jackson is dead’.

It’s hard to believe that he is dead. He is a music genius. No doubt he is the King of Pop of all time. When I was a small kid I used to watch his clips on the telly, and I think my favourite at the time was ‘Billie Jean’. Last year I had a MJ fever and I spent most of my time listening to his music, dancing and moonwalking and searching for his mail address (yes I thought of writing him a letter but I didn’t write any because I think the letter would’ve not gotten to him anyway). I love him so much that if MJ and Radiohead were to perform in my country on the same day, I would’ve gone to MJ’s concert. Well of course I’m a big fan of Radiohead too, but hell, Michael Jackson is definitely a true performer. He’s a legend.